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G 6 Art as Action: Goal 2: Zero Hunger


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Web Resources - Zero Hunger

TEDTalk: Esther Ndichu: Hunger isn’t a food issue. It’s a logistics issue (12m)

"Most people presume that world hunger is caused by a lack of food. But Esther Ndichu, the humanitarian supply chain director at UPS, argues that the real issue is logistics. She points out that food often rots just miles from the neediest people and that farmers often can’t get goods to market. By fixing the "last mile," she shows that hunger can be solved in our lifetime. "

Zero Hunger Film (2m)

What does zero hunger look like?

The Zero Hunger Challenge - Food prices and the market (3m)

"Rethink Zero" - the Zero Hunger Challenge (3m)

If Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" was about Food Waste (3m)

A funny video with great information from Global Citizen, a social action platform
