MLA8 Pattern
Creator’s Last name, First name. “Title of the digital image.” Title of the website in italics, First name Last name of any other contributors to digital image, Version (if applicable), Number associated with image (if applicable), Publisher of image, Date image was created or published, Location of image (shortened URL).
NOTE: If there is no title, create one such as Wooden Chair. Do not put in italics or quotation marks.
EXAMPLE from MLA Style Center
Sheldon, Natasha. Photo of The Muleteer. “Human Remains in Pompeii: The Body Casts,” by Sheldon, 23 Mar. 2014. Decoded=Past …,
If you mention the photographer and title of the digital image in the text of your essay, then you can use this:
Sheldon, Natasha. “Human Remains in Pompeii: The Body Casts.” Decoded=Past …, 23 Mar. 2014,