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G 9-12 Citing Humanities using MLA 8: Practice #1

Cite these 5 sources

Use the ISBN (9780300143324) for A Little History of the World by E. H. Gombrich to create a citation (look for the ISBN box and import the data) OR you can type in all the data yourself.  Two things to notice:

1. Make sure you include the translator.  Change author to translator.
2. Notice that you do not include the city of publication so delete New Haven.

Online Encyclopedia
Go to the ASW Database list.  Click on Britannica Advanced.  Find the article called "Ernst H. Gombrich."   In Noodletools, click on website then reference source. (All encyclopedias and dictionaries are reference).  Copy and paste the citation.  

1. You can find all the citation already done under the Britannica citation tool on top tab.  Look for the checkmark. 
2. Double check to make sure that the title is still in italics

Article in an online newspaper
Open this newspaper article: Obituary of Sir Ernst Gombrich​.  Add it to Noodletools.

NOTICE: In MLA, you standardize the capitalization of a title so each word has lower and upper case letters even if the title is all in capitals or all in lower case.  You will need to do that with this source.    

Article in a journal in an online database (container within a container)
Go to the ASW Library database list.  REGISTER to create an account in JSTOR using your ASW username and password. If it will not accept your password because it is not strong enough, add an exclamation mark at the end. 
1. Find  an article called "E.H. Gombrich" by Elizabeth McGrath.
2. Find the Citation tool on the side.   Choose MLA.
3. Use this to enter the data into Noodletools under the database tab (or if you believe it is accurate, then you can copy and paste it). 

Cite this YouTube interview with Ernst Gombrich.  Locate all the elements you need to enter. There are two correct ways to cite this. You can focus on the person who does the interview or on the person who uploaded the YouTube

"Article Title in Quotation Marks." YouTube in italics, uploaded by xxxx, day month abbreviated year, URL xxxxx. Accessed day month year.

Practice Your Skills: Directions


1. Create a Noodletools account using your ASW email. 
          b. Click on LOGIN.  Click on register.  Enter your name.
          b. U: warsaw  P:library

2. Create a new project called MLA8 Practice.  Now, click on +Citation.  Choose MLA.  Choose advanced.  Cite the 5 sources

3. Export your Works Cited page

4. Show your skill to your teacher or teacher-librarian

MLA Containers

NOTE: Three periods and a string of commas

MLA Containers within Containers