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G 9-12 Citing Science and Psychology Using APA: Practice #1

Practice #1

Find the article called "The State of Car Safety" by Ezra Dyer in the Advanced Placement Database. Databases often have a cool feature called EXPORT.  Click on this and see how it works. Export the citation.  Check it.

Does it follow this pattern?
Author, A.(Year). Article title no capitals. Journal Title in Italics with Capitals, volume (issue), page numbers. Retrieved month date, year,  from URL.

NOTE: Make these corrections. 

1. Fix all the caps in the title and add Retrieved date, from URL.
2. Add date of access by clicking today.
3. For a database, APA does not include the URL or name of the database; however,  IB requires the URL or DOI:. Two ways to fix this: add it manually OR If it says AP Source then refresh it by clicking update citation and the URL will appear.

Cite the YouTube of the NASCAR Airborne Crash  Cite this using the website tab OR the video tab. You will have to EDIT the reference manually as neither do it accurately.   Here are the guidelines from APA. 


1. If only the screen name of the person who posted the video is known, use this name.  Make sure it is in the last name box.
2. Keep NASCAR all in capitals but correct the rest of the title
3. Make sure you include  [Video file}.

The name for this one is tricky.  You may  have to edit it after you export it.

Screen name. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved today's date, from http://xxxxxxxxx The in-text citations include the author name outside of brackets (whichever that may be) and the date.

Find the video clip called Body Crash on TWIG videos (database list) and cite it.  This one is challenging because some of the information is missing.  Include the information you can find. 

Cite the online article about using cadavers (dead bodies) in crash tests

Cite the IIHS website "Crash Avoidance Features by Make and Model." Two challenges: the date and correcting one small error in the title that EasyBib makes.

6: PDF of a journal article
Cite the PDF of a scholarly article (see below).  PDFs are sometimes challenging because you think you think
is is from the internet but really it is from a journal.  Make sure you click on the journal tab.  There are two ways to do this one: add the information manually OR paste the article title