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G 9-12 Citing Science and Psychology Using APA: Psychology

How do I cite statistics in psychology?

How do I cite a source cited in another source?

This is called a Secondary Source.  Use sparingly if the source is out of print or unavailable. Your Reference list would cite Smith's work.


Johnson argued that...(as cited in Smith, 2016, p. 102).

Johnson (as cited in Smith, 2016, p. 56) argued that .....

How do I cite a source in another language?

Cite the original title then put the translation in square brackets.

If the source is in a language that does not use the Roman alphabet, you must transliterate it into the alphabet you are using for your essay. 

Journal Article [translate article title]

Guimard, P., & Florin, A. (2007). Les évaluations des enseignants en grande section de maternelle sont-elles prédictives des difficultés de lecture au cours préparatoire? [Are teacher ratings in kindergarten predictive of reading difficulties in first grade?]. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 19, 5–17.

Website [transliterate then translate]
Vietnam Association for Learning Promotion (VALP). (2015). “Phát huy hiệu quả hoạt động của trung tâm học tập cộng đống” [Promoting operational efficiency of community learning centres]. VALP. Retrieved 12 February 2016, from

How do I cite a paraphrase?

Short explanation (1:09) about how to cite a source without quoting.

Sample Essays with APA Formatting

How do I cite an ABSTRACT as a source?

It is better to cite the full text of an article, but if not available, you can use and cite abstracts.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Journal in italics, volume number in italics(issue number if available). Abstract retrieved month date, year from DOI:xxxxxx  if available OR URL http://www.xxxxxx

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